Saturday, November 22, 2008

Genius SchoolHouse Sports Day 2008

Today is my first ever sports day at the sports complex of Republic Polytechnic !

The prizes !

And I below to the Yellow Team !

Ma Ma is there !

Pa Pa is there !

And Me ! Can you spot me ?

Now I'm preparing to do my first cheer of my life !

No understand what we are cheering ? How can that be ? It is so clear that we are saying ,"

Yellow, Yellow,
the best, the best
chigalaga piya piya
chigalaga piya piya
super ! that's what we are !
super ! that's what we are !
we will, we will rock you !

Me getting ready for compeition !

I represent the yellow team in 2 compeition, mainly the Bean Bag race and the Ball sorting race !

Bean Bag Race Video !! See if you can spot me ! I'm the yellow team from 0:35 to 01:00 !

Ball Sorting Race Video !! See if you can spot me ! I'm the yellow team from 0:08 to 0:20 !

End of sports Day...

And Yellow Team Got second !

Collecting the medal !

Me and my medal !

Singing the cheers again !

Me and PaPa wearing my medal !

Bye Bye Sports Day, will look forward to the next one in year 2009 !

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